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Ye of little faith, peruse the testimonials

Even when everything goes smooth, buying or selling a home can be a very stressful experience. Serving as a combination of guide, advocate, protector, and adviser, my aim is to minimize your stress.

I treat you just as I’d want to be treated when feeling vulnerable with a new process.

Charles, notre courtier extraordinaire, mérite toute notre reconnaissance pour son aide précieuse dans la réalisation de notre rêve immobilier. Fraîchement mariés, ma femme et moi étions à la recherche de l'endroit parfait pour commencer notre nouvelle vie ensemble. C'est alors que Charles est entré en jeu, avec son expertise et sa compréhension de nos besoins.

Dès notre première rencontre, Charles a su capter l'essence de ce que nous recherchions. Il a écouté attentivement nos souhaits et nos préoccupations, et a immédiatement commencé à nous proposer des options correspondant à nos critères. Son professionnalisme et sa disponibilité ont fait de chaque visite un moment agréable et productif.

Ce qui nous a particulièrement impressionnés chez Charles, c'est son dévouement. Il n'a pas hésité à nous montrer plusieurs propriétés, à répondre à toutes nos questions et à nous rassurer à chaque étape du processus. Grâce à lui, nous avons pu naviguer dans le marché immobilier avec confiance et sérénité.

Finalement, c'est grâce à Charles que nous avons trouvé l'appartement de nos rêves, un lieu idyllique qui dépasse toutes nos attentes. Son expertise nous a non seulement permis de faire un excellent choix, mais aussi de négocier les meilleures conditions possibles. Il a su rendre l'ensemble du processus d'achat fluide et sans stress.

Aujourd'hui, nous vivons dans cet appartement magnifique, savourant chaque moment de cette nouvelle étape de notre vie. Sans Charles, rien de tout cela n'aurait été possible. Son soutien indéfectible et son professionnalisme exemplaire ont fait de lui bien plus qu'un simple courtier : il est devenu un ami et un allié dans notre aventure.

Nous ne saurions trop recommander Charles à quiconque cherche à réaliser son rêve immobilier. Son expertise, sa patience et sa capacité à comprendre et à satisfaire les besoins de ses clients font de lui un courtier hors pair. Merci, Charles, pour tout ce que tu as fait pour nous.

~Ruben Hassan & Angéle Loyzance

با سلام خدمت هموطنان گرامی فارسی زبان و بخصوص ایرانی ،

با افتخار، می خوام تجربه ی خودمون رو درباره خرید خونه با آقای چارلز بِنِدِك در اختيار شما دوستان و هموطنان گرامي قرار بدم.

از روز اول كه ايشون رو با خوش شانسي در نرم افزار سانتريس پيدا كردم، و با ايشون تماس گرفتم، ايشون انتظار ما رو از يه خونه ايده آل پرسيدند و از اون به بعد براي ما بهترين گزينه ها رو خيلي سريع پيدا ميكردند و براي بازديد با هم ميرفتيم. ايشون از ما بسيار پيگيرتر بودند و بسيار زياد فعال و وقت ميگذاشتند واقعا.

بيشتر تلاش و وقتشون رو در مناطقي كه مد نظر داشتيم، ميگذاشتند و واقعا بهترين گزينه ها رو پيشنهاد ميدادند.

در اين بازار پر مشتري و آفر براي خريد يه خونه، به خوبي و با مذاكره صحيح بهترين انتخاب رو براي ما بين آفرهاي ديگه، خريدند و معامله رو به بهترين قيمت ممكن جوش دادند .

بعد از اون، براي پيدا كردن بازرس و نوتاري ، بسيار به ما كمك كردند و هميشه در كنار ما براي هر مرحله، حتي مرحله گرفتن وام، حضور داشتند.

بسيار سپاسگزاريم از اين همه حسن نيت ، صداقت عمل و تبحر آقاي چارلز و بسيار زياد ايشون رو به همه كاميونيتي ايراني، ريكامند ميكنيم.

باز هم اگر قصد جابجايي داشته باشيم، با قاطعيت آقاي چارلز بِنِدِك اولين و آخرين انتخاب ما خواهد بود.


هدي و علي

Dear all,

It is our immense pleasure to recommend Mr. Charles for any individual or family who looking for their dream and ideal house.

He is highly talented to quickly find a variety of homes for sale in the best parts of the city with the best price, access and quality.

He was truly able to negotiate in the best way to come up with a deal that was good for us and made the seller happy, as well.

He followed up every stages with us, answered and returned all phone calls and SMS even emails, very quickly.

He was truly the most honest person that everyone can see .

We are pleased to recommend Mr. Charles to anyone looking for a house or wants to sell his/her house.

He knows this business very well and if we need to move again, he will be our first and last choice.

Thanks again Mr. Charles, thanks to our best real state agent for helping us to buy our dream home.

~Hoda & Ali

Dear Charles,

“There is simply no way to properly put into words how much we appreciate you. You may have been doing your job but it felt so complete working with a friend like you, who took the time to make sure we found our home and not just a house. Thank you for making this whole process as painless and joyful as possible. Keep being excellent”

~Marie, David, Asher, Emmett & Mackenzie

“Selling your home can be a stressful process if you don’t have the right broker supporting you through the process. Brian and Charles address the emotional and financial details important to a seller. They were very patient and answered all of our questions in a simple and timely manner making it easy to understand the process and feel good about selling. We had our family home for more than 30 years and had many good memories. Charles and Brian made us feel good about selling the home and found a buyer that appreciated it as much as we did. Financially, we were rewarded with an excellent price. We were so impressed with the follow up that we worked with them on finding a new home. Within days they found us a new home. I have bought several houses in different countries, and working with Charles and Brian was the easiest and most profitable that I have experienced. “

~Stephen Cumberbatch & Linda Cummings 2021

ما خیلی خوشحالیم و افتخار می‌کنیم که از چارلز به عنوان بنگاه املاک و مستغلات خود برای خرید ملک خود استفاده کردیم. دانش بالا و صبر او برای من و همسرم بی نظیر بود.مارچ ۲۰۲۰ ما به صورت خیلی اتفاقی با این مرد شریف آشنا شدیم و او در هر مرحله به ما خیلی کمک می کرد با توجه به اینکه خرید اولمان بود ‌خیلی پراسترس ولی او همیشه ما را به راه درست راهنمایی می کرد تا در نهایت یک خانه دلخواه با کمک بی دریغ ایشان در دسامبر ۲۰۲۰پیدا کردیم .برخلاف خیلی بروکرها فقط پول براش مهم نبود و بیشتر رضایت و خوشحالی مشتری براش مهم بود که این برای ما خیلی ارزشمند بود. او همیشه قابل دستیابی بود و از کار با او لذت می بردیم که با صبر و حوصله بدون توقع برای ما وقت میگذاشت

حتما دوستانم را به او ارجاع میدهم که تجربه خوب برای خرید یا فروش با این فرد شریف و بزرگوار داشته باشند

زهره و حامد

~Zohreh Zandmome & Hamed Ghanbariragheb 2021

“After trying to sell my condo myself on DuProprio for a little while, i did get many visits, but i felt that the presence and experience of a realtor is an enormous asset.  So I reached out to Brian and Charles and within 2 visits, I had an accepted offer on my condo at 98% of the asking price.  The asking price that I had initially priced too low, and only increased on their recommendation.”

~Farbod (Frouhar-Sepehr) 2019

“I dealt with Charles for the sale of my condo and continue to deal with him for my new purchase.  Charles is professional and knowledgeable as well as extremely patient and kind. He always always responds to my questions no matter when I text.    I saw him and Brian get me the deal I wanted and I knew they had mine and my family’s best interest at heart.  I would highly recommend Charles and Brian to anyone I know!”

~Noha El-houssami 2019

“自从10年前移民蒙特利尔,因为居住和投资的需要,我买卖过很多套房子还有餐馆类的生意。说实话,在买卖的过程中,我对经纪人印象并不好。他们在我买的过程中总是极力夸赞房产或者生意的好处,而对缺点轻描淡写。在我要卖的时候,又多方面强调我的房产或生意的缺点,希望我降低价格。我感觉在我买卖的过程中,这些经纪人对成交的追求更甚于维护我的利益。以至于有一段时间我在买房的时候不再寻求买方经纪人的帮助,自己直接和卖方或者卖方经纪人洽谈交易。直到我在很偶然的机会遇到了查尔斯先生 。当时我正在独自参观一套open house,查尔斯和他的伙伴作为经纪人也在现场。我当时下了一个offer给查尔斯并被卖方接受,但是因为验房后不满意的原因,offer最后撤销了。故事本应就此结束,但查尔斯先生和他的伙伴从没忘记我的需求,总是在第一时间把认为可能满足我需要的房子推送给我。其中有好几套都下了offer,甚至offer接受,但验房后都因为这样那样的问题,没有成交。虽然查尔斯先生花了很多时间陪我看房、下offer、验房,但每一次都把房子的 问题 、缺点完完全全地分析给我听,我从没有感觉到他急于成交的心里。他总是告诉我:“只有你开心我才能开心。” 历经多次失败后,查尔斯先生终于帮我购买了一套投资物业,而我在把房子推向出租市场时,查尔斯先生又积极帮我设计广告,甚至帮我购买家电(查尔斯先生真的有渠道用很好的价格购买家电)。最后顺利地以我满意的租金找到一个优质的租客家庭。对于查尔斯先生来说,也许这都是他正常的工作态度,但不得不说查尔斯先生帮我重建了对经纪人的好感。所以很快他又帮我购买了第2套物业。我相信后面应该还有第3、4........”

~Fei Nie 2019

“We used Charles as our real estate agent for both the sale and purchase of our property. His knowledge and patience stuck out to both my wife and I. He assisted us every step of the way and always guided us the right way. He is always reachable and a pleasure to work with. 

I have already referred my family and friends to him and would not hesitate to refer everyone I know.”

~Jonathan Abramovici 2020

“Thank you for your help and effort since January for the sale of our condo and house. You are professional & courteous & we would not hesitate to recommend you to our friends and colleagues. We believe we have made new friends in this process!”

~Azar (Razavi) & Victor (De Moura) 2018

Thank you, Charles, for the help with selling our condo. Your wise council on good preparation (documentation, staging, photos and keeping the condo clean for showings) helped us get to a fast sale at very near asking price.”

“It was a pleasure dealing with you.”

~Kate & Ron 2018

“I always knew Charles would work as a realtor. As a young boy, after breaking a neighbor's window playing baseball or hockey, he'd miraculously manage to renegotiate expanded access rights to the neighbor's yard. To this day, I'm still unsure if they appreciated his honesty in fessing up, or they knew he'd deliver to them last, on his daily morning newspaper route.”

~Charles’ Mother (Leah Benedek) 2010